Andrew Hearin

Andrew Hearin's picture
Postdoctoral Associate in Physics
217 Prospect St, New Haven, CT 06511-3712
Room Number: 
STN 217
Mailing Addresss: 
P.O. Box 208120, New Haven, CT 06520-8120
Cosmology, Cosmological Simulations, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Gravitational Lensing, Large-Scale Structure, Extragalactic Astronomy, Galaxy Structure, Formation and Evolution

Andrew Hearin is currently a YCAA Prize Postdoctoral Fellow in the physics department at Yale University. Broadly, he works on a range of problems in cosmology and galaxy evolution. He completed his graduate work at the University of Pittsburgh, where he was advised by Andrew Zentner. Between Pittsburgh and Yale, he was a postdoctoral fellow in the theoretical astrophysics group at Fermilab. While not doing science, Andrew enjoys brewing beer, reading fiction, rock climbing, hiking, and grilling virtually anything edible.