Astro Sibs is an informal mentorship system where Yale Astronomy undergraduate students are paired up with graduate students and postdocs in the department. Our goal is to ensure that undergraduate students feel welcome and comfortable in the department and that they have the resources available to ask for support where needed, whether academic or social. We aim to support undergraduate students on an individual basis through our pairings, while also providing larger group events and activities that encourage all members of the program to meet and get to know each other. These events include both informal gatherings and professional development events, such as internship and graduate school application panels. Astro Sibs was founded in 2018 and is now entering its fourth consecutive year, with roughly 12 mentoring pairs in each cycle so far.
Pairings are generally made in the fall through a survey sent around the department early in the semester. But, if you find out about this program later on and are interested to join, please don’t hesitate to reach out! For more information, please contact the program co-leaders Yasmeen Asali and Michael Keim.