Independent Senior Research Project
All majors undertake an independent senior research project under the direct supervision of a faculty member. In recent years, undergraduates have analyzed data from the Hubble Space Telescope and other space based observatories, travelled to Chile and Puerto Rico to perform observations with the world’s finest ground based instruments, and performed theoretical calculations with NASA supercomputers. Projects of publishable quality are the rule, not the exception. For senior project guidelines, please click here.
Research Fellowships and Prizes at Yale
There are several research fellowships and grants available at Yale for undergraduates, especially for summer programs (see below). Yale also awards prizes each year to undergraduates who excel in various disciplines.
The astronomy department also hosts the Dorrit Hoffleit Undergraduate Astronomy Research Scholarship at Yale, to which undergraduate students from around the world can apply for summer research.
Summer Research Opportunities
Most undergraduate students take advantage of at least one of their summers during their time at Yale in order to do research, either in an external REU or similar program, or working closely with faculty at Yale.
Yale Fellowships
- Yale College First-Year Summer Research Fellowship in the Sciences & Engineering
- Yale Science Scholars Program
- Tetelman Fellowship for International Research in the Sciences
- Yale College Dean’s Research Fellowship in the Sciences
- Yale Student Grants and Fellowships
- Hoffleit Undergraduate Astronomy Research Scholarship at Yale
- Franke Fellowship in Science and the Humanities (search for “Franke” in keyword search)
Yale in Chile Summer Research Program
The department offers qualified Yale students the opportunity to do a summer research project at the University of Chile (it will be winter in the southern hemisphere). Students will have the opportunity to experience Chilean culture and take a field trip to several Chilean observatories.
Many students attend official NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU). Links to more information can be found by clicking here.
Non-REU Summer Opportunities
Students are also invited to explore other summer opportunities, some of which are listed below
- NASA Internships, Fellowships and Scholarships
- Banneker Institute Summer Program
- The Vatican Observatory Summer School
- The Goddard Center for Astrobiology Summer Undergraduate Internship in Astrobiology
- Space Telescope Science Institute Space Astronomy Summer Program
- Pathways to Science Summer Research Internship Database
- Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) - available at various institutions
- Teach with the US Grant Foundation