Proposal due dates
Proposals are solicited for Yale observing time on the telescopes to which Yale has access. Unless otherwise stated, full proposals are due at 17:00:00 Eastern time.
The 2025A proposal deadline is September 13, 2024 5PM
For 2025A we have the following allocation:
K1: 1.5D + 2.5G + 2L = 6 nights
K2: 1D + 2G + 2L = 5 nights
- Palomar P200: TBD
Click here for information about Yale’s facilities.
Proposal forms and submission (Yale astronomers only)
- Please see our internal Forms & Policies page for pre-proposal and proposal forms.
Additional telescope-specific instructions for proposal submission:
- Keck: Fill out a Keck cover sheet on the Keck observer login page and attach a PDF copy of it to your proposal before submission to the Yale TAC.
- Palomar: Fill out the P200 cover sheet on the Palomar website and and attach a PDF copy of it to your proposal before submission to the Yale TAC.
Completed PDF proposals and cover sheets / confirmations (where applicable) should be sent to Robyn Lisone (at yale . edu) before the deadline (as above).
Submitted proposals are posted on a password protected website for TAC review.
Abstracts of proposals that have been awarded time.
TAC procedures
The astronomy department revised its telescope allocation procedures in 2008 and reviewed them in December of 2009. The procedures can be found in this document.