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Upgrades in multiple fast radio burst (FRB) experiments have led to a growing sample of precisely localized events, enabling host galaxy associations and detailed observations of the immediate environments surrounding FRBs. Such observations play a key role in elucidating the stellar populations that give rise to FRB progenitors. Indeed, host galaxy demographics, as well as the spatial offsets of FRBs from their host galaxy centers, can be used to inform progenitor channels. The localizations of two repeating FRBs to dwarf galaxies, their coincidence with persistent radio sources, and their large observed excess dispersion measures (DMs) stand in stark contrast to other localized events, which generally reside in more massive galaxies and exhibit modest excess DMs. Understanding this dichotomy among FRB hosts will provide critical insight into the stellar populations prevalent in FRB host galaxies and hence their likely progenitors. In this talk, I will review our current knowledge of FRB progenitors based on the properties of a small, but growing sample of host galaxies. I will also outline key follow-up observations that will lend to detailed characterizations of the galactic and local environments of FRBs, thereby shedding light on their progenitor channels.