Yale Astronomy & Astrophysics Colloquium - Joi Mondisa

Event time: 
Thursday, November 7, 2024 - 2:30pm
Joi Mondisa
Speaker Institution: 
University of Michigan
Talk Title: 
STEM Mentoring Approaches, Strategies, and Resources: A Study of Highly Effective Mentors
Event description: 

Abstract: Mentoring has been shown to effectively support the persistence of students in STEM fields. Yet despite existing mentoring research, there is a paucity of detailed work on how to mentor. In this session, Dr. Mondisa will share details from her evidence-based research on the mentoring practices and approaches of highly effective mentors and available mentoring resources.

Bio: Joi Mondisa, PhD is an Associate Professor in the Industrial & Operations Engineering Department and an Engineering Education Faculty Member at the University of Michigan. In her work, she seeks to identify and better understand STEM mentoring practices, programs, and ecosystems. Prior to her graduate studies, she worked as a professional in the areas of manufacturing, operations, technical sales, and publishing for ten years, and taught as an engineering technology adjunct faculty at a community college.

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