Event time:
Thursday, March 27, 2025 - 2:30pm
Ebraheem Farag, YCAA Prize Fellow
Speaker Institution:
Yale University
Talk Title:
Multi-Messenger Signals from Stellar Evolution
Event description:
Stars generate a variety of multi-messenger signals throughout their evolution. They radiate photons from their stellar surface, neutrinos from their interior, and gravitational waves during dynamical events. These signals can provide clues about the composition, nuclear physics, energy transport, and the ultimate structure of white dwarf and pre-supernova stars. In this talk, I will discuss some multi-messenger signals produced during or as a result of stellar evolution. I will share insights gained through evolving thousands of stellar models of low-mass and high-mass stars to their final fate and explore how global features of stellar evolution are reflected in their multi-messenger signals. I will present a novel method for analyzing stellar neutrino emission in a neutrino Hertzsprung-Russell diagram and discuss neutrino emissions from stars of all masses and metallicities to provide stellar targets for current and forthcoming neutrino detectors. Then, we will visit the evolution of the most massive stars which can result in pair-instability supernova and their implications for the light seed black hole (BH) mass spectrum. lastly, I will discuss how gravitational wave signals from these merging binary BHs can be used to constrain the most uncertain nuclear reaction rates in all of astrophysics such as the 12C(α,γ)16O and triple-α helium burning nuclear reactions which set the C and O composition of the cosmos. I will end with a brief discussion of some of the exciting work I’m conducting here at Yale University.

Kline Tower, Room 205
219 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT