Event time:
Thursday, September 14, 2023 - 2:30pm
Jason Tumlinson
Speaker Institution:
Talk Title:
How Gas Feeds Galaxies
Event description:
How galaxies acquire their gas and generate energetic feedback are some of the longest-standing problems in galaxy formation. The last decade has brought a wealth of evidence that the Circumgalactic Medium (CGM) drives the accretion and reflects the feedback that shapes galaxies. I will review the state of the multi-wavelength observational evidence, discuss new physical insights from high-resolution hydro simulations from the FOGGIE project, and look ahead to what we can learn in the next decade to “Unveil the Drivers of Galaxy Growth” (in the words of Astro2020).

Kline Tower Room 509 A & B
219 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT
Open to:
General Public