Angelo Ricarte, GRD ‘19, awarded NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship
Angelo Ricarte, GRD ‘19, has been awarded the 2017 NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) in Astrophysics Research for his PhD thesis The Assembly of Ultra-Massive Black Holes, advisor Priya Natarajan.
The below details are excerpted from the NESSF selection website:
Criteria for evaluation included: (a) the scientific merit of the proposed research; (b) the relevance of the proposed research to NASA’s objectives in Earth or space science; and (c) academic excellence based upon an applicant’s transcripts, the letter of recommendation by the student’s academic advisor, and the degree to which it supported the proposed research.
The purpose of the NESSF is to ensure continued training of a highly-qualified workforce in disciplines required to achieve NASA’s scientific goals. Awards resulting from the competitive selection are made in the form of training grants to the respective universities and educational institutions, with the faculty advisor serving as the principal investigator.