Yale Time Allocation Committee

Proposal due dates

Proposals are solicited for Yale observing time on the telescopes to which Yale has access. Unless otherwise stated, full proposals are due at 17:00:00 Eastern time.  

The 2025B proposal deadline is March 14, 5PM


Keck I Telescope:  Keck I telescope will be unavailable for use from August 31 – October 16 for a second planned shutdown to conduct repairs of the telescope pier. 

KPF and KPF-CC: The 25B coversheet will contain both the KPF and KPF-CC instrument options.  The KPF Community Cadence (KPF-CC) program is operating a queue observation service in 202B. For PIs who wish to opt in, they must select the KPF-CC instrument on their coversheet. PIs also must submit all proposed observational requests to the queue prior to their TAC’s proposal deadline. Much more detail on the KPF-CC program, how to opt-in, and how to submit requests can be found at this link, please read carefully: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-TfR6lNEtHO3muw_2Sc7l9Klveb3yovMUu28Jeq21t0/edit?usp=sharing

Keck II AO: Keck II AO (Nirc2 and NIRSPAO) will be unavailable for 3 weeks beginning in mid-August. 

DEIMOS: Deimos will be unavailable from October 1 through the end of January for the installation of a new science detector.

NIRSPAO and KPIC: Nirspao and KPIC will be available through the end of November.  NIRSPAO and KPIC will no longer be available for use once SCALES arrives at the Observatory.  PIs may apply and be scheduled for Nirspao and KPIC time in the December-January timeframe, but must be willing to switch to a backup instrument (Nirspec, Nires, Nirc2-NGS) if SCALES installation is ready to commence during these months.  For more information on SCALES, see https://arxiv.org/pdf/2208.10721

 KPIC: KPIC Phase I capabilities continue to be offered as a facility instrument in 25B, during the timeframe that KPIC is available. More information on KPIC Phase I can be found at https://nexsci.caltech.edu/missions/KeckSolicitation/KPIC_PhaseI_Facilitization_Proposal_Instruction.pdf

Instrument Hibernations: WMKO, in consultation with the Science Steering Committee after the receipt of the findings of the Instrument Suite Evolution task force (comprised of members of the WMKO community and WMKO science staff), is undergoing a process of hibernation and eventual decommissioning of instruments in the coming years as new capabilities arrive and to be responsive to pressures on WMKO resources.  A hibernated instrument is not available for community use unless there is a significant emergent scientific and strategic need.  After a year’s hibernation, the hibernated instrument will be completely removed from service and decommissioned.  The community should begin planning for the following:

  • NIRES: NIRES will be hibernated at the conclusion of the 2025B semester.  
  • ESI:  ESI will be hibernated at the end of the 2026A semester.  ESI will continue to be scheduled in campaign mode to limit the number of reconfigs through each semester.
  • HIRES: Hires is being considered for hibernation in 2027.  A separate communication soliciting feedback will be sent to the community. 
  • Additional instruments are under consideration for hibernation and eventual decommissioning in later semesters, with a focus on those instruments whose capabilities are being significantly superseded by new instrumentation.

NIRSPEC/NIRSPAO reconfigs:  Please note that Nirspec and Nirspao/KPIC nights will be scheduled in campaign mode to limit the number of reconfigs into AO during the semester.  This may impact the ability to schedule certain date critical observations.

Twilight Cadence Observing:  In 2025B, institutions will continue to be able to allocate one twilight observing program per telescope, for a total of up to two programs.  On Keck I, OSIRIS-NGS (imager only) will be available, and on Keck II, NIRC2-NGS will be available.  Please note that due to ongoing AO upgrades, there will be times in the semester when AO is unavailable for cadence observations.  Cadence program PIs are responsible for development of instrument scripts, providing documentation, and training of staff needed to make the cadence program a turnkey operation.

For 2025B we have the following allocation:

  • K1:  TBD

  • K2:  TBD

  • Palomar P200: TBD

Click here for information about Yale’s facilities.

Proposal forms and submission (Yale astronomers only)

  • Please see our internal Forms & Policies page for pre-proposal and proposal forms.

Additional telescope-specific instructions for proposal submission:

Completed PDF proposals and cover sheets / confirmations (where applicable) should be sent to Robyn Lisone (at yale . edu) before the deadline (as above).

Submitted proposals are posted on a password protected website for TAC review.

Abstracts of proposals that have been awarded time.

TAC procedures

The astronomy department revised its telescope allocation procedures in 2008 and reviewed them in December of 2009. The procedures can be found in this document.