
Yale’s new 51 Pegasi b fellow will explore origins of ‘hot’ Jupiters

Wed, 04/03/2024
Quang Tran, a new recipient of the prestigious 51 Pegasi b fellowship who will join Yale this fall as a postdoctoral fellow, has begun a promising line of research on the...

Yale Astronomy members contribute to guide for aspiring astrophysicists

Thu, 12/07/2023
Congratulations to the current and alumni members of the Yale Astronomy and Physics departments for their contributions to the book “Astronomy as a Field: A Guide for...

Astronomers find ‘tilted’ planets even in pristine solar systems

Tue, 11/28/2023
Understanding that even planets in pristine solar systems have some orbital tilt puts Earth’s solar system into a larger perspective, researchers say. Scientists have long...

Yale astronomer leads the way to the oldest known X-ray quasar

Mon, 11/06/2023
Astronomers have found the oldest-known X-ray quasar in the universe — and its properties align exactly with predictions for a new class of distant objects made by Yale...

Searching for extraterrestrial life — by keeping an eye on exploding stars

Mon, 07/31/2023
In a new study, Yale undergrad Andy Nilipour used supernovae to narrow the search for alien civilizations. When you’re searching the skies for signs of extraterrestrial...

Astrophysicists present first evidence of gravitational wave ‘background’

Wed, 06/28/2023
A quintet of new studies offers the first direct evidence of a gravitational wave background, confirming standard models of black hole growth. By Jim Shelton Researchers...

Zili Shen and Kaustav Mitra - Yale 2023 3-Minute Thesis Competition Divisional Winners

Thu, 03/16/2023
Yale’s 3-Minute Thesis Competition challenges Ph.D. students to describe their thesis work to a non-specialist audience – in just 3 minutes! Join us in congratulating Yale...