
Yale Professor Says Astronomers Ready for Next Step in Finding Alien Life

Tue, 01/06/2015
A Yale University professor, citing the discoveries of more Earth-like planets around nearby stars, says the next step is finding out which ones could harbor life. WTNH -...
Photo of Erica Nelson and Joel Leja

Astronomy Graduate Students featured in Yale Graduate School Newsletter

Tue, 12/02/2014
Astronomy graduate students Erica Nelson and Joel Leja were featured in a student profile article of Yale’s December 5, 2014 GSAS Newsletter.  See below for direct URL.

van Dokkum discovers dark galaxies in Coma Cluster with Dragonfly telescope

Wed, 11/19/2014
“Pieter van Dokkum… and colleagues took a unique look at Coma through the Dragonfly Telephoto Array.. .The Dragonfly is designed to find faint, fuzzy blobs, but what...
Illustration by Michael S. Helfenbein

Yale Planet Hunter team discovers low-density planet that won't stick to a schedule

Wed, 10/29/2014
Yale astronomers and the Planet Hunter program have found a low-mass, low-density planet with a punctuality problem.  The new planet, called PH3c, is located 2,300 light...

A fireball in space reveals the nature of novae

Tue, 10/28/2014
For the first time, scientists have measured the size and structure of a nova’s nuclear blast as it happened — thanks, in part, to a Yale University astronomer’s timely...

Yale Astrophysics major program changes featured in Yale Daily News article

Mon, 10/27/2014
“In response to student feedback, the department made several changes that will go into effect this year, including changing the name of the Bachelor of Science degree from ‘...

Yale astronomers take over operation of MOST satellite to gain precision in exoplanet discovery

Thu, 10/09/2014
Yale exoplanet hunters will take over operation of the Canadian Microvariability Oscillation of STars (MOST) space satellite for the next two months from October 10th to...